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03 April 2013


Wow what a whirl wind past couple of months it's been.

I entered theArts and Craft competition off the Royal Easter Show and entered 5 categories :
1. To create a cloth doll suitable for a young child
2. Design a cloth doll
3. Design a teddy bear undressed only a ribbon
4. Innovative soft toy
5. Innovative apron
To my surprise all my entries were displayed at the show behind the big lovely glass cabinets !

To my even greater surprise my entry for 'Soft doll suitable for young child' I received a lovely maroon ribbon with HIGHLY COMMENDED PRIZE . When I found out I was jumping up and down! It's been a while since I've officially won something. I was and am so proud of myself.

As I mentioned in my last blog I wax going to hit the markets. Well I did and I had a week to prepare for The Dreamers Markets at paramatta Riverside Theatre .

I went solo this time and enjoyed the peace and quiet while hubby took the kids bowling and a pub lunch ( I was secretly envious of the pub lunch but at least i didn't have to deal with the winging )
The day was bright and very sunny s perfect day for a market.
My best sellers were my pencil pals , zip purses and appliqué key rings.

My next markets will be at Arcadia Public School markets on Saturday 4th may from 9-3pm.

I won't be going this one solo. My back up will be my husband Spike and daughter Erica. My two older boys will be playing soccer.

More soon
Joanne xx